Living in the desert, 80 miles from the nearest town, has its ups and downs.
The up part: Saturday night I didn’t get to see Bruce Salmon and Michelle Alany at the Starlight or Ted Arbogast and Chase Peeler playing jazz at the Boathouse because my band, the Fabulous Vortexans was playing an outdoor concert in Lajitas.
There is amazing live music everywhere, all the time here.
The downside: cell phone service and internet access is fairly primitive.
Another upside: all though it takes a long time to download files from the internet, there are several entertaining places to hang out while you’re doing it.
I set up my repaired iMac in the studio at the Terlingua Store, opened my recording software, and was greeted by a notice that said, “No internet connection. Logic must download massive files before you can use it.”
No problem. I boxed up the huge 27″ computer and headed down to La Posada Milagro, where there is internet access, great coffee, and a majestic view of the ghost town.