Last Sunday, 3/2/14, there was a benefit at the Starlight Theatre for:
Food Distribution in Terlingua
Family Crisis Center of the Big Bend, Inc.
Once again, the Terlingua community came together to take care of our own. Terlinguans, wherever you are, give yourselves a hand.
“Hungry children in Terlingua? Not on my watch.” Glenn Felts
I did a blog post HERE explaining why this is something we had to do right now. A few weeks ago, Mike Drinkard told me he could provide food assistance for the 600 or so people in the Terlingua area who needed it for $300, and he was having trouble coming up with the $300.

Me, Trevor Reichman, Chase Peeler, Charles Maxwell – Photo by: Jessica Lutz
Sunday night we raised about $2,000 for food distribution. More importantly, over 30 people signed pledge forms to contribute monthly. When you add in Lajitas Golf Resort for $250/month (thank you Ruffin Moore, GM) and the Terlingua Preservation Society for $420/month- they picked up Glenn Felt’s donation as a memorial to Glenn, that gives Mike over $1,000 a month in recurring income to buy food.
I’m pretty sure Glenn would be proud of us. Continue reading “Benefit for Hungry Terlinguans”