Live music, community events and entertainment news – Terlingua, Texas
Most of this is “cut and pasted” from the Terlingua Moon.
This week at the Starlight:
Tuesday – Nov 12 – Uh Clem
Wednesday – Nov 13 – Tim Relleva
Thursday – Nov 14 – Trevor Reichman
Friday – Nov 15 – Hillie Bills
Saturday – Nov 16 – The VorTexans
Sunday – Nov 17 – Brunch with Jeff Gavin
Monday – Nov 18 – Burger Night with Ramsay Millwood
Tuesday – Nov 19 – Uh Clem
Wednesday – Nov 20 – The Whitmores
This week at the High Sierra:
Friday ~ George Goss and The Showgoats ~ 7pm
Saturday~ Dr. Fun ~ 7pm
Farmer’s Market every Sat. 10-2 pm in the Ghostown Community Garden
Sat. Nov. 16th at noon “Composting with a Pro”
Master Composter Carol will be on hand discussing how to build soil and reduce the amount of trash that goes into the landfill,
the third in the monthly series of workshops sponsored by the Garden
Patti Manning from Sul Ross will have native plants for sale this Saturday at the farmers market
Enjoy Music with Jeffro Greasewood
A BIG Garden THANK YOU to all that came out on Sunday for the workday
We raise the wall next Sunday, Nov. 17th at 9 am
On the menu for lunch: Chard Lasagna with Summer Squash and as always Cold Beer
The catchment tanks are FULL and Overflowing!!
Come See What’s Growing!
The book signing for Carlton Leatherwood’s Big Bend People is Saturday, 4 pm, at Espresso y Poco Mas. “It is especially a party for all those in the book,” Carl said. Likely participants in the program are Anna Oakley, Jim Keaveny, Carmen Ganser, Nancy Faubion, Voni Glaves, two very special guests, a dog named Tubo, and a goat named Cisco Kid. Noemi Aviles, manager of Poco Mas, will serve cake and other refreshments. As for the book, an anonymous comment is “I have learned things I didn’t know about people that I have known forever.” And river guide John Parker said, “Every fresh chapter Carl writes is as unique as the people he interviewed.”
Second Third Saturday Flea Market If the parking lot isn’t like chocolate pudding. If it isn’t cold and windy. If it isn’t raining. See ya at the Flea Market at El Centro/H2O 2 Go ?
Looking to connect? Check out “Our Terlingua,” “Terlingua” and “West Texas-Big Bend-Community” on Facebook. Need an errand in Alpine? Check out “Alpine Run.” Want to carpool or need a ride? Check out “Big Bend Rideshare.” Have something to give away, trade or sell? Need or know of work or housing? Check out “Terlingua Exchange” on Facebook and Yahoo. There is also a free box at Delia’s Terlingua Store. Please consider donating at that location to help others in our community. The phone number there is 371-2487.
The motion picture Wasteland will be in the area shooting for the next several weeks. On November 20th and 21st, the crew will be shooting scenes at the Perry Mansion which will involve a gun fight. Though the shots may sound real they are in fact known as squibs and are blanks. There is no reason to become alarmed or return fire. It’s all just a bunch of show business make believe.