Terlingua Americana Music – Legiondary Jam 7
Legiondary Jam continued the tradition of good times, great music, great food, and good friends hangin’ out.
This month, our beneficiary was the American Legion Post. The legion is under new management, and the new team has a nasty fiscal mess to clean up.
The legion is crucial to the folks who live on Terlingua Ranch. For some people, it’s their Internet cafe. For others, it’s a place to leave messages or borrow the phone (not everybody out here has a phone and cell phones don’t work). If you run out of gas or get a flat, it’s a place to go for help. UPS and Fedex leave packages for those of us who live way off-road.
Most of us moved to the desert for solitude. Sometimes, the solitude can get a little oppressive- and there are usually folks at the legion who are up for conversation, a game of pool, or to just provide a connection to another human.
This morning, it was big smile time at the Legion. They had a good night, and we raised enough donations to cover the electric and phone bill for the month.
Thanks to all the musicians who played, the cooks who provided the pot-luck dinner, and the people who listened and partied with us. Thanks to y’all, the legion is well on its way to solvency.
The new Terlingua Music “Hotter’n Hell and Cooler’n Shit” t-shirts made their debut last night, and it seems like everybody was wearing them. We’ll have those at all future jams- all profit goes to charity. Thanks to Anna Oakley for the fine design.