Last Sunday, 3/2/14, there was a benefit at the Starlight Theatre for:
Food Distribution in Terlingua
Family Crisis Center of the Big Bend, Inc.
Once again, the Terlingua community came together to take care of our own. Terlinguans, wherever you are, give yourselves a hand.
“Hungry children in Terlingua? Not on my watch.” Glenn Felts
I did a blog post HERE explaining why this is something we had to do right now. A few weeks ago, Mike Drinkard told me he could provide food assistance for the 600 or so people in the Terlingua area who needed it for $300, and he was having trouble coming up with the $300.

Me, Trevor Reichman, Chase Peeler, Charles Maxwell – Photo by: Jessica Lutz
Sunday night we raised about $2,000 for food distribution. More importantly, over 30 people signed pledge forms to contribute monthly. When you add in Lajitas Golf Resort for $250/month (thank you Ruffin Moore, GM) and the Terlingua Preservation Society for $420/month- they picked up Glenn Felt’s donation as a memorial to Glenn, that gives Mike over $1,000 a month in recurring income to buy food.
I’m pretty sure Glenn would be proud of us.
As I explained Sunday night, I’d much rather have $10/month for this project than a hundred dollar bill right now.
There’s a PDF of the pledge form below, if you want to be part of this.
Click on the link below, print out the form, and mail it in to the Family Crisis Center along with your initial donation.
wp-content/uploads/2014/01/ pledge-form-FCCBB.pdf
Here’s the deal – because several nice contributions and pledges came in before the benefit, money is still coming in from people who download the pledge form and send it in, and the people who attended Sunday were very generous, Mike is sitting on a nice chunk of money. Several thousand dollars.

Me and Jeffro Greasewood. Jeffro is wearing a skirt. Photo by: Sharron Reed
What we don’t want is for the community to forget about our neighbors who need help. That’s why those monthly contributions are so important. You’d be surprised how much food you can buy for $10 in the food bank system.
It was a Terlingua party for a good cause. The “Band of Angels” performed: Ted Arbogast, Trevor Hickle, Laird Considine, Charlotte Teer, Moses Martinez, Trevor Reichman, Hank Woji, Chase Peeler, me, and many other Terlingua musicians.

Me, Jeffro Greasewood in a stunning yellow satin skirt, Chase Peeler and Hank Woji – Photo by Sharron Reed
I was too busy to take photos. Thank you Sharron Reed and Jessica Lutz for letting me use your photos. If anybody else has some shots from the benefit, send ’em in and I’ll post ’em.