Butch Morgan and Butch Hancock did a song swap at the Starlight Theatre during “Burger Night.”
It’s always a bit bizarre to hear Butch Hancock at a local venue. It shouldn’t be. He’s been a resident of Terlingua, off and on, for decades.
Butch also talked me into buying a new camera. Now, I’ve got to decide which one I want.
Butch Morgan was still in town- he came down for the “Terlingua Music Bash.”
Later, Jason Blum and Jenni Mansfield Peal sat in with Butch Morgan and did some songs. As I was leaving, John Hogan and Maria Moss were preparing to do a short set.
Just another night in Terlingua.

Butch Hancock playing at the Starlight Theatre.

Butch Morgan

Fred and Sierra

Maria Moss and John Hogan

Jason Blum with Butch Morgan

Jenni Mansfield Peal
What a fun evening! Thanks for taking the photos. I look forward to meeting you sometime personally! All the best, Jenni
Wish Jimmy Dale Gilmore and Dave Alvin could sneak in to town for a set with Butch and the boys (and girls). And really wish i could be there to see it.