The Concert for Noemi – Starlight Theatre Sunday, 1/5/14.
The Terlingua community rallied for Noemi.
It was a night of celebration, dancing, auctioneering, music and love – and Teringua raised over $2,000 for Noemi and her family.
Mike Davidson was our Master of Ceremonies. He pointed out that the U.S. border policies amount to an ethnic cleansing program. I think he’s right- you don’t see the same tactics used against Mexicans on the Southern border used against Canadians on the Northern border.
Those policies – especially as implemented since the border closings following 9/11 – have had the (hopefully) unintended consequences of tearing families apart and creating a criminal class out of formerly good citizens.
This was brought home to us in a very personal way as we watched the tragedy of Noemi’s family threatened with massive legal fees and the possibility of having to leave Terlingua and move to Mexico. It may be the law, but it is not right.
So, the community gathered. Musicians (Los Pinche Gringos, Collie Ryan, Jeff Haislip, Alex Whitmore, Laird Considine, Charlotte Teer-mumbledehum, Chase Peeler, Jon Hogan, Maria Moss, and others) donated their talents and songs). Auction items (paintings, photographs, cakes, tequila servings, a kiss, gift certificates for massages and hotel rooms, and more) were given and auctioned off.
The Starlight Theatre let us have the benefit concert in their gorgeous facility and at the end of the night Lisa Ivey made a significant contribution.
Noemi was there with her children, and they danced and celebrated with us.
The concert was produced by TerlinguaCares, a 501 c 3 non-profit organization based in Terlingua. After all the money has been received and accounted for, TerlinguaCares will disburse 100% of all the money raised to Noemi.
Once again, I am proud to be part of a community with a big heart that takes care of its own. Thank you, Terlingua.
UPDATE: You can still donate to Noemi. We’re still working on the PayPal thing. In the meantime, you can send contributions to TerlinguaCares, c/o Pat O’Bryan, P.O. Box 316, Terlingua, Texas 79852

Silent Auction

A kiss was bought and delivered –

Jon Hogan and Maria Moss

Jeff Haislip

Los Pinche Gringos

Los Pinche Gringos

The Mayor Approves

Dancing ensued

Alex Whitmore
I just want yo thank everyone for whats being done for my sister family. It has been a very hard time. May God bless yall. Everyone. Thank you.
I donated something to the auction, but did not attend.
I hope the family gets everything they need. I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers. the thing I love most about Terlingua is the people. I think of them and you as family. If you have another auction and I can help let me know. Any way I can be of service,pm me on fb or call me.