Amazing live music in Terlingua, Texas!
This month’s Legiondary jam had an international feel to it. We had performers from Scotland, listeners from Germany, and I think there was a guy from Dallas, too.
Andrew, the Scottish singer, knew more old-time mountain music than most Americans, including me. So, we put together an old-style mountain band and did some of that.
There was also poetry. Donald, who is traveling with Andrew and is also from Scotland, recited some funny lyric poems. Claud Luke Dudley, world famous cowboy poet, opened the show with some word pictures of cowboy life. He also got so inspired by Donald’s poems that he did an encore.
Folk, country, blues and rock also ensued. It’s hard to believe the level of songwriting and performance talent that shows up at these jams. This area is a hot-bed for poets with acoustic guitars.
As usual, there was an amazing pot-luck dinner served. Pulled pork, BBQ sausage, BBQ beef, venison chili, salads, deserts. Plenty for everybody, and all delicious.
Every month, we pass the hat for a local charity. This month, it was for Judy’s medical expenses. As you may know, after last month’s Legionday Jam, judy was driving home, slowly and soberly, and a flying saucer swooped down and ran her car off the road. Luckily, Judy’s fine, although her automobile suffered some serious damage from the alien attack.
Below are pics from the jam – check ’em out. Remember, the musicians donate their music, the cooks donate the food and the jam is always free – never a cover charge. The next Legiondary Jam will be the last Sunday in April.

Great Job As Always Pat Keep The Music Alive
Hi Pat (you did a wonderful job) and Hi ALL,
having been the very first time at the legion jam, invited by Ron I must say it’s still in my mind beeing the ONE special memory of my stay this time. I’m coming since 86 to the area, never been at the legion. Thanks so much for this inspiring evening. Everything was great, people, music, food and especially the very session and the end (Pat, Nick and Greg). As I am deeply involved in indiginous studies and research I would like to know whether Greg has an available CD regarding his song about the stolen generation. Please let me know. And keep on going! Hope to be around very soon, which is next year. My best to everybody and thanks for the bumper sticker…
and, I’ll ask Greg next time I see him- or maybe he’ll see it here and answer it himself.
where is the location in terlingua? i see the legion poated but where is the legion?
the legion is about 25 miles North of Study Butte/Terlingua on hwy 118. Also about 55-60 miles South of Alpine.
You really can’t miss it. Only commercial establishment on 118 for miles in any direction.
Does anyone know Greg’s contact information, like an email address?
Fitting name for the place, Legion. I love the atmosphere there in Terilingua, and the Big Bend area. It’s as if the people and the “spirit” already know you, it is welcoming and nothing I’ve seen so far although a dessert. I’m sure the music is the same, vast, deep, and heart-moving.