The homeless duo, “Loves It,” played the Starlight last night.
Although they are officially from Austin, they have a storage room in Nashville and live on the road in their touring van. Apparently, this is a trend- Ray Tarantino, Jon Hogan and Maria Moss, Hank Woji… have discovered the economic reality that you can just skip all that rent and utilities stuff if you just keep on moving.
I’d never heard them before, but reviews from their show at Lajitas were good, so I hung out at the Starlight with Cosmic Kathy, Jeffro Greasewood and Sha, and other locals at the bar. It was a full house, which is just weird. It seems like spring break will never end…

Jenny after the show.
“Loves It” puts on a tight show. Both Jenny and Vaughan are good singers and players and their songs are well made and entertaining. Jenny, especially, has a bubbly/goofy stage presence that fits.
Strangely, as I look over reviews of “Loves It” online, the one name I’m not seeing is Iris Dement. Several people mentioned last night that Jenny’s voice had a strong resemblance to Iris Dement’s. Kathy and I had already mentioned that. I like Iris Dement.
Here’s the official bio from their website:
Loves It formed when two best friends Vaughn Walters and Jenny Parrott dreamed of traveling the world together singing songs! Both accomplished solo writers, they were surprised and excited to see their collaborative works sparkle! Besides inventive songwriting that travels between folk, country, indie pop and swing, each is a multi-instrumentalist and live show features claw hammer banjo, guitars, mandolin, fiddle, and heart felt inspired singing. Vaughn hails from West by God Virginia and brings his love of country, punk rock, and folk to the duo’s sound. Jenny Parrott is from New Haven CT and brings a love of soul, swing and gospel. With songs and musical ideas formed by their experiences traveling with other musicians (Shotgun Party, Leo Rondeau), these veterans of the road have come together to create a unique sound that is fun, modern and you will totes LOVES IT!
Here’s what it looked like: