2014’s “Voices From Both Sides” Fiesta Protesta celebration at the Lajitas crossing was a success on every level.
There were many more people on both sides of the Rio Grande. There was massive media coverage- National TV, radio, and print outlets sent crews to cover the celebration.
Al Jazeera America TV story HERE.
New York Times story HERE.
Our community, from both sides of the border, gathered to show our love for each other and express visibly the fact that it’s one community on both sides of the river.
There were no fights, no harsh words, no problems.
There were lots of improvements over last year.
This year, Ron Mohr donated the use of several large shade cloths. Casey from All Energies brought his solar generator to power the sound system. Big Bend Brewing Company provided beer. Others donated water and trash services. Several people brought food – the barbacoa was delicious.
The quality of musicianship was even higher than last year- the Mexican side of the river had a fine band from San Carlos which alternated sets with bands and performers from Austin, San Marcos, and other civilized areas who joined local performers for non-stop music on the US side.
Lajitas Golf Resort provided the location for the party.
“Fiesta Protesta” rocked.
It’s amazing how quickly a tradition can be established.
Once again, Bill Ivey joined the mayor of San Carlos for a handshake and hug in the middle of the river. Once again, crowds from both sides of the Rio Grande joined hands and made a human bridge from one shore to the other.
And, once again, Los Pinche Gringos took their instruments (and a huge dancing crowd) to the Mexican side of the river and played back to the United States from Mexico.
Voices From Both Sides has been nick-named Fiesta Protesta because, at least on this stretch of the Rio Grande, the immigration laws are stupid and cruel. Local families are divided by this arbitrary border. Friends who previously got together for a beer and conversation now have to either shout across the river or drive many hours to legally hang out. Texas kids who used to be able to walk to grandma’s house on the other side of the river for Sunday dinner now can’t visit grandma.
This community is not divided by the river, it exists on both sides. We’re divided by a political mistake. It’s time to admit that it’s a mistake and fix it.
We want the border open.
And, for one day, it was. Fiesta Protesta was a day of celebration, music, and peaceful civil disobedience. I’m proud of my community for coming together for a good cause.
Next year, and every year until our border is open, we’ll do it again. Between now and then, petitions have been written and signed, and the movement to open the Paso Lajitas crossing is gaining momentum. It’s just a matter of time- let’s get it done.

Event organizer Jeff Haislip being interviewed by Rachel Monroe. She was doing her story for Texas Monthly and NY Times.

Human bridge at Paso Lajitas – soon to be a real bridge.

TV crews follow Los Pinche Gringos into Mexico
Here are some more pics from the event, in no particular order. You are welcome to use these pics for non-commercial purposes as long as they are properly credited to Pat O’Bryan and include a link to http://terlinguamusic.com

Chase Peeler wails as Shand Walton plays along.

The legendary Danny Hickle, with Trevor Hickle and Charlotte Teer

Charlotte Teer

Shand Walton

Danny Hickle

Grammy award winning songwriter, Gill Prather.

Gill Prather celebrating.

As seen on TV

Frank Myers

Ted Arbogast, Charlie Maxwell, Charlotte Teer and Laird Considine

The Jim Keaveny Experience

Amanda Kitchens, Bruce Salmon, and Michelle Alany

Local songwriter, Collie Ryan, used to live on the other side of that river.

TV sound tech

Miss Sandi and friends selling T-Shirts

Michelle Alany, Trevor Reichman, and Chase Peeler

George Goss sings his hit, Ain’t no Honky Tonks in Jail- Shand Walton plays along

Event organizer and local songwriter, Jeff Haislip

The day started with an early Mothers Day sing-along and bilingual service

Local Marfa Public Radio DJ, Jalapeno Schwartz
Hope to be there next year. Let me know when it’s gonna happen. It’s time to re-open the frontera. I’ll buy a t-shirt if they’re still available. Screw the politicians in Washington and Texas who are selling fear of a brownskin invasion from the south. En el corazon, soy mexicano! y tejano!
It was a great event and Jeff and everyone involved deserve recognition for making it possible for all of us on both sides to get together and celebrate our unity and community. I live for this day every year, next will be my 3rd most favorite day in the grand state of Texas. It was wonderful to see the families greet each other. I could not help but feel the outpouring of love we all felt being able to share music with our neighbors. It is an awesome feeling to be surrounded by people you know and some you don’t and feel so very close. There is no words for the joy I have to be awake and in love with the world that is our community on both sides. It was a day full of spirit and peace.
Thank you Jeff and Pat and most of all the bands that heal our wounds of seperation.
I’ve got more photos of the event up on my Facebook. Feel free to tag people. It was an amazing experience! https://www.facebook.com/patrickaldenlarson/media_set?set=a.10152819483472678.610022677&type=3&uploaded=5