Legiondary Jam 6 – Live Texas Americana Music from Terlingua, Texas.
At 4:00 the Legion was packed. A gang of about twenty happy bikers joined the crowd on the porch.
At 5:15 (or so) dinner was served. Ron made brisket, Wes made some amazing saucy sausages, Dave baked a ham – there were beans, salad, and hot dogs…
The music started around 6:15 (or so). George brought a new song. Al Berry and his Randi showed up and Al did a nice set. Look through the pics below for all the performers.
It was a hot night, but that didn’t slow down the dancers.
By 11:15 PM we ran out of musicians… I did a short set, and we all headed off in our various directions.
BTW, there are discussions happening about installing a swamp cooler in the legion. There’s ‘a’fixin’ta be a change in management before the next jam. Many improvements coming.
Feel free to leave a comment about ways we can make the legiondary jams better.

I wish I could come and enjoy great company. Tell Daniel Nasby his family said hello from Indiana and hope to see him soon.
Have a great time ya!
A drum! First the Grand Old Opry and now this…
Looks like a large time was had by all.
Drummers are thin on the ground out here.
Get well and come visit. I’ve got a drum kit…
Another great Legiondary Jam….that we missed.!
Great Job again, Pat.
Bill & Caren in FTW